Saturday, October 18, 2014

Experimental films vol.4

On a further exploration of experimental films and how they break the conventions and why, we can mention semiotics and  the 'grammar' of cinema. We can say that there are four main things which determine viewers response to films,and they are perception,cognition,narrative understanding  and emotion. Narrative understanding is guided by camera movement and placement, dialogue, sound effects and editing. This factor is the one which experimental films distort, and what this distortion provides is a completely different visual experience and perception of what is seen. Manipulating cinematic techniques ,using non-linear narrative structure,open ends makes the viewer unable to construct and maintain internal visual representation. Without the temporal continuity and with the change of the visual system, the viewers find it impossible to filter out the discontinuities. But what is  the intention behind this,and why do the experimental filmmakers break conventions like this is an important question to be answered . These filmmakers strive to create a fim which doesn't manipulate the viewer,instead it is supposed to keep them constantly aware of the fact that they are watching a film.Experimental filmmakers want to make it impossible for the viewers to immerse themselves, so they can have less control over their brain activities,which is a complete opposite of what Hollywood films do. Experimental filmmakers want to make the viewer aware of every single frame and semiotics with which it is presented. By creating a visual dispersion and illustration of the absurd, these filmmakers want to point out how much more they value the representation of inner content and                The subconscious. Making irrational visual content is the perfect way to point out just how much irrational our reality is, and how much the emotional responses value more over intellectual. Annother reason for using such approach to film is that there is a mutual connection between a completely individualistic visual representation  and the viewers individualistic response to it. By creating a distorted image of reality, experimental filmmakers want to give the viewer an opportunity to analyze the film they saw in a way that requires them to first re-evaluate everything they think is rational and even their own psychology. 

Key words : Semiotics, viewer manipulation, visual representation

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